2019 "Fainting" Kids for Sale
Spotty Creek Stratus Nimbus/Back40 Sadie Farrell - Single Doeling
Born on 1/6/2019
Tri-color (Chocolate, black, and white)
Brown eyes (both parents are blue-eyed -- carries blue-eyed genetics)
Moonspotted? (Moonspotted genetics)
Birth weight 4.25 lbs.
All kids will receive CD&T vaccinations and will be treated with Baycox at 3 weeks old to prevent coccidia. All will be registered with the Myotonic Goat Registry (MGR).
Spotty Creek Stratus Nimbus/Fallen and Can't Get Up Jessi Colter - Single Buckling
AVAILABLE (intact or as wether)
Born on 1/8/2019
Tri-color (White, tan & black) with a wide belt
Championship bloodlines (both dam and sire bloodlines)
Blue eyes
Birth weight 5.5 lbs.
All kids will receive CD&T vaccinations and will be treated with Baycox at 3 weeks old to prevent coccidia. All will be registered with the Myotonic Goat Registry (MGR).
Cedar Creek Jack Rackham/Southern Drawl Farms Patsy Kline - Twin Buckling
Born on 1/29/2019
Tri-color (Tan/white/black) with white poll
Blue eyes
Birth weight 4.5 lbs.
All kids will receive CD&T vaccinations and will be treated with Baycox at 3 weeks old to prevent coccidia. All will be registered with the Myotonic Goat Registry (MGR).
Cedar Creek Jack Rackham/Southern Drawl Farms Patsy Kline - Twin Buckling
AVAILABLE (as wether only)
Born on 1/29/2019
Tri-color (White/tan/black)
Blue eyes
Birth weight 4.5 lbs.
All kids will receive CD&T vaccinations and will be treated with Baycox at 3 weeks old to prevent coccidia. All will be registered with the Myotonic Goat Registry (MGR).
Cedar Creek Jack Rackham/Spotty Creek Luna - Twin Buckling
Born on 2/2/2019
Chamoisee pattern
Blue eyes
Championship bloodlines
Moonspotted genetics
Birth weight 3.5 lbs.
All kids will receive CD&T vaccinations and will be treated with Baycox at 3 weeks old to prevent coccidia. All will be registered with the Myotonic Goat Registry (MGR).
Cedar Creek Jack Rackham/Spotty Creek Luna - Twin Doeling
Born on 2/2/2019
Red & white
Blue eyes
Moonspotted genetics
Birth weight 4 lbs.
All kids will receive CD&T vaccinations and will be treated with Baycox at 3 weeks old to prevent coccidia. All will be registered with the Myotonic Goat Registry (MGR).